Forensic Evaluation Costs
Child Custody Evaluation Cost—$5,000
To be paid according to court order (typically 50/50. This basic fee is for a family of up to three children, for a family
of up to three shared children (children shared by petitioner and respondent), involving two divorced parents, and includes:
Orientations and Strategy Meeting — 2 hours (1 hour per each side)
interview Hours: Up to 11 for 2 biological parents and up to 3 children (4 hours per parent, 1 per child up to 3
Home Visit and Assessment: 4 hours conducted by evaluator(s) (2 hours per parent)
Psychometric Testing: 5 hours for standard of practice (2.5 hours per parent)
Collateral Review: Up to 7.5 hours (75 pgs.) including texts, emails, reports, professional/medical opinions, and
charts (3.25 hours ((32.5 pgs.)) per parent)
Reference interviews: As part of the collateral information review, up to 6 hours (3 hours per parent)
Appropriate communication and emails with courts and lawyers about the evaluation progress (up to 5+ hours)
Video conference and verbal report for Custody Evaluation Settlement Conference (CESC) (up to 4 hours)
All set appointments are kept or cancelled and reset with appropriate notices
includes up to 44.5 hours of clinical forensic evaluation work**
Telehealth custody evaluation* via HIPAA compliant Simplepractice -
*in person evaluation provided at additional fee
Forensic Mental Health Evaluation (4-902)
A Mental Health Evaluation is Equivalent to a Psychological Evaluation but is done by professionals that are not Psychologists. Psychologists have patented the word “psychological”so no other mental health profession may use the word for any work performed. Forensic means that it follows strict investigation processes with multiple points of evidence to form its conclusions. At New Beginnings Evaluations, we provide Forensic evaluations, including court ordered Mental Health Evaluations (4-902 Limited Scope Investigation Reports).
Included in the price:
The process orientation (1 hour)
Clinical interview (2 hours)
Up to 3 Collateral interviews (3 hours)
Test administration - 3 psychometric “standard of care” tests, including: PAI, SASSI-4, BRIEF-2, or other specific test for court ordered issues (up to 5 hours)
Review of all Data (10 hours)
Evaluation write-up (15 hours)
Additional Fees
As per the Custody Evaluation Fee Agreement, upon receiving additional information regarding your specific needs for your family, you may be charged additional fees outside the basic package. Additional Fees will be determined during your Orientation.
Additional Testing
Additional or replacement testing may be required if the tests are invalidated.
Additional Adult
Additional Child
▪ Up to two additional clinical hours
▪ Psychometric Testing according to Standard of Practice
▪ Additional data and information gathering and assessment per adult
• Up to one additional clinical hour
• Psychometric Testing according to Standard of Practice
• Additional data/information gathering & assessment per child
Fact Witness Hourly
Additional Document Review
Additional Home-Visit
In-person- Home Evaluation (non-telehealth)
Court appearance as a fact witness
Per clinical hour, if document review for the basic package is exceeded
At times, changes in the home require additional home visits, if this is necessary there will be additional fees.
$150 additional per hour + Basic Package
*All in person interviews held at Sandy location. See travel package for required travel.
Court appearances:
Fact Witness — minimum 4 hours $1400
Expert Witness – minimum 4 hours $1600
Home visits in person — two clinical hours = $300 plus any travel costs incurred (see travel package)
Adult Initial interviews— two clinical hours, per adult in-person $300
Child initial interview— one clinical hour, per child, in-person $150
Custody Evaluation - Written Reports
Standard Report
If the basic package was not exceeded, the standard report rate will apply if a written report is requested in addition to the verbal report provided as part of the basic package
Advanced Report
Package is advanced if it includes ANY of the following:
• Additional adults
• Additional children
• Replacement Testing
• Additional Document Review
• Additional Home-Visits
• Travel